About Inter-Casing Pressure Control Inc.
Management of Inter-Casing Pressure for the Petroleum Industry
How it Works:
We introduce an environmentally benign, North Sea approved, Heavy Fluid into the target annulus via our unique "Patent Pending" process.
The heavy fluid has been formulated to sink and displace gas and other fluids.
Over time the annulus reaches hydrostatic balance.
Pressure problems are cost effectively managed for the remaining life of the well and the well production remains uninterrupted.
Very cost effective compared to other solutions which may require stopping well production and removing tubing from the well.
Our heavy fluid has undergone multi-species toxicity testing, biodegradability, and bioaccumulation assessments and has been assessed as Gold rated for use and discharge offshore North Sea under the OCNS (Offshore Chemical Notification Scheme) CEFAS Regulations. A Gold rating without any “Substitution Warning” is the foremost level of approval and reflects our fluids benign profile.
Our unique fluid injection process is Patent Pending.